CookiePalooza 2024


He never ages!

How the Cookie Crumbles for CookiePalooza 

(Rules of Engagement🍪 Official Rules🍪 Guidance🍪 Conduct🍪 Marching Orders🍪Policies🍪Prohibitions)

You must have fun. Bring your smile, dress festively, embrace the spirit of the baking season!  Spread joy!  Dance like everybody is watching *Lindy's motto :) 

2. What is a CookiePalooza?

CookiePalooza:  An annual celebratory gathering of bakers and those who appreciate the art of baking and enjoy the collective creativity and exploration of cookies that push the flavor, design, time and creativity limits. 

We encourage bakers baking outside the cookie jar.  We want new and different and to be inspired and awed!   (Also we can't keep making the same cookies year after  year because then this would be b.o.r.i.n.g. and 10 different versions of the same cookie doesn't make for a palooza!)

CookiePalooza is fun!   It’s our chance to sample cookies, exchange recipes and highlight the secret baking skills of our coworkers.

We encourage you to break out your grandma's recipes, scour the family archives in search of recipes from generations ago, get creative, be inspired and have an excuse to make something you saw in a cookbook, baking website, Instagram, Pinterest or (eek) Tik Tok.

3. Who gets invited to CookiePalooza?

This event is designed to be inclusive of those who want to participate but there are space limitations and careful balance of bakers and eaters.  All eaters=no cookies.  CookiePalooza is an event to celebrate the art of baking with a healthy dose of competition.

CookiePalooza has a capacity of 60 attendees. The list of invited attendees is determined by the following factors:

But invitations are non-transferrable.

The deadline for signing up is November 9.

4. Can I invite my friend to CookiePalooza?

We'd love to have you, come join the fun,

But our guest list is limited, just sixty, not one more run!

So RSVP quickly, November 10 is too late,

And secure your spot at this festive date! 

Invitations are non-transferrable.  

Invitations are sent to invitees via email. Invitees sign up and/or pay up to confirm their participation.  If there are additional spots available, I am happy to extend an invitation to someone (bakers preferred).  The sooner people sign up/pay, the easier it is for me to extend more invites to those who are interested.

This event is designed to be inclusive of those who want to participate but there are space limitations and careful balance of bakers and eaters.  

I encourage others to start their own CookiePalooza tradition and would be happy to offer advice. In fact, there is an Anacortes, Washington CookiePalooza that started in 2023.

5. What are the cookie categories for CookiePalooza?

Bakers enter their cookies into one of each category:

6. How do I pay my $ 10 after I sign up?

Cash or Zelle.

Venmo? No Venmo. (I don't have Venmo and I don't want to download Venmo. My brain is unable to manage another app, password, widget, QR code, or link.  Thank you for your understanding. 🧠=I00% capacity).   

Pay by November 9 to secure your spot.

7. Does everyone bake cookies?

No.  Some self-confessed non-bakers choose to participate by  signing up as eaters and contributing $ 10

8. Do I have to bake cookies?

There are many ways to participate.   You can still bake and you don't even have to bake cookies.  There is a bar/non cookie category for those that don't want to slice, scoop, drop or squeeze dough.  

Non bakers can participate by signing up and paying  $ 10 by the November 9 deadline.

9. How many cookies can I take home?

None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. 

CookiePalooza is not a cookie exchange.  

10. What do you do with the money collected?

I try to break even!

Funds are used to purchase the napkins, tablecloths, drinks, trophies, etc. We need a sponsor.

11. How many cookies do I bring?

If you are baking a cookie and entering it into a category for judging, you must bring 36 cookies.  If you are entering the non-cookie category, you must bring 36 slides, pieces, morsels, nuggets of your creation.

If you are entering your cookie into 2 categories, you must bring 72 cookies.

12. My cookies are awful, now what do I do?

You pack those cookies up and bring them to CookiePalooza where you will put them on a table and proudly display them.  You will not be alone.  It is these failures where the heartbreak and humor lives. We embrace it.

We are in our Errors Era.

13. In Our Errors Era 2024

NEW for 2024  Bring your mistakes. It doesn't belong on the trash, it belongs on the Errors Era Table! So many 2023 participants described the errors, failures and hilarious misadventures and this is truly in the spirit of the 'Palooza.  We will have a special table set up where we can all admire where things took a turn. 

14. What are you going to do with all these cookies?

A good problem to have, isn't it?

15. How are Judges selected?

Based on their reputation for cookie consumption, lactose tolerance, and ability to eat up to 30 cookies in one sitting. Judges were also selected for their enthusiasm for baked goods.  It is an honor, a challenge and a responsibility.

After 9 years a few things are pretty evident.....

Our judges (LE & HF) are able to destroy a plate of cookies with enthusiasm. They not only dress the part, take their responsibility seriously, remain unbiased in the face of pressure from their own departments, they are able to detect the complexities of Vietnamese vs. Ceylon cinnamon and proper crumb textures with the necessary humor and joy to make this annual event all that it is!

They greet their guest judge each year with the seriousness, intensity, and coaching needed for the task ahead. 

And we thank them for their service.

16. Does CookiePalooza happen every year?

This has yet to be determined.  Maybe.  This is the NINTH year. It’s all fun and games until someone shows up with Hydrox.

17. How are the awards given out?

Trophies are awarded by the judges after careful deliberation. Judges sample each cookie, consult among themselves (judges doing judgey things) and decide a winner for each category.  The judges are blindly judging the cookies that appear before them without any influence or knowledge of who baked the cookie. 

Your name does not appear on your cookie selection-only the name of your cookie.  You will name your cookie when you submit your cookie to your category.  So no, it can't be "Treva's Double Chocolate Chip Delights" but it can be "Super Deluxe Double Chocolate Chip Delights" so the names are unique for each baker and each cookie. 

 The judges will call out the cookie name and if it is your cookie, you will shriek and jump for joy and go collect your trophy!  Others will clap!  Laughter! Joy! Excitement!

Sometimes the judges will comment about cookies that were contenders but didn't quite make it to # 1.  Melanie is in charge of moderating these comments and sharing everyone's  "inside thoughts" on your behalf.

Lindy is our "Susan Lucci"  of CookiePalooza.  We are all on Team Lindy.  

18. How can I be the BEST CookiePalooza citizen?

Awwww. thanks for asking.  You can be a good CookiePalooza citizen by offering some help with set-up or clean-up or assisting frazzled and tired bakers with their cookie decanting and set-up.  Jump on in and help.   Sit with new people you don't know. Offer to refresh beverages. Dress like an Elf (CC!). 

Other things include while sampling your cookies realize your criticism of a particular cookie may be a bit insulting to the bakers amongst you who gave it their best shot. Bakers have to fight the kitchen elements (humidity, electricity, temperature, gas, dishwashers, ovens, grocery stores, parking lots, Instagram, family pets (ask PD!) yet we persevere.  We all have different tastes. Show the love. See rule # 1. 

(A noted exception: Melanie's blue cheese cookie and perhaps Ashley's Satsuma grits cookie. You can be very vocal about what these taste like.)

19. What if I'm allergic to nuts? Gluten? Vegetarian?

Cookies will be labeled with the name of the cookie. Eat carefully if you have an aversion to certain ingredients (but this is half the fun, isn’t it?)

We ask bakers to label their cookies to identify things you might not want to eat.  This is a challenging environment for those with nut allergies and gluten allergies. We can do our best to assist with dietary restrictions but participation comes with some risks.   

20. What if I want to argue about the rules?

Go right ahead. Just don't violate rule # 1.

21. What is 2024's theme/secret ingredient?

This year is the 9th year and Planets are our baking inspiration.  Create 36 eligible items using your imagination, sense of humor and skills!
